Field Settings
Purpose: Give users greater control over the default fields and data on CRM pages, enabling more flexibility as a low-code platform.
Path: CRM > Settings > Field Settings
The different functionality pages are divided into separate tabs, making it easier for users to manage each page in a more organized manner.
1 Form Design
This page allow users to tailor the page's appearance and functionality to suit their needs. It supports various field types and page layouts, enabling users to create forms that capture the right information in an organized and visually appealing way.
System default field can be hidden but cannot be deleted.
Users can add new fields, remove fields, set field types, specify default data, adjust their sequence, etc.
The preview button allows the user to preview the effect of the newly added fields.
Fields that are system-defaulted as required cannot be hidden, and the hide button is grayed out and unavailable.
2 List
The user can adjust the list settings for the fields to be displayed, the sorting method, the fields that should be included in the advanced query, the fields that can be used as filters, etc.
3 Field Control
Field control refers to the settings and rules applied to fields within a form or page. It allows users to manage how each field behaves and interacts.
System defaulted operation cannot be changed
Edit: Allows the field to be modified by users and sets conditions to determine which conditions must be met for the field to be editable.
Required: Specifies whether the field is mandatory and defines the conditions that determine when the field must be filled out.
4 Validation
Validation ensures that the data entered into a form meets specific criteria when the new data is saved.
The system-defaulted validation to check whether the customer name, customer number, and supplier name are unique cannot be disabled.
5 Linked data
When data on one page is referenced or used by another, it becomes interconnected across different parts of the system.
6 Reminder settings
Allow users to configure alerts and notifications for specific events or deadlines within the system. These settings help ensure that important tasks, follow-ups, or milestones are not missed.
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